I'm sure glad I spent so much time writing a post that disappeared!

I know just enough about technology to be dangerous. I just spent about ten or fifteen minutes writing a post that I must have posted on someone elses blog! I have been spending so much time trying to get a url from my author page on Amazon to connect to Wordpress, the link or url is correct, but it keeps saying it is invalid. I had a computer expert do it for me, and it isn't me, it is Amazon. Anyway. I haven't been writing anything new. I hate the business end of art and writing. Drives me crazy. I just want to do art and write. Why do artists, well many of them have such predominately right brains, and my left brain at least doesn't get it!
I had a successful cleaning business for over 20 years. Unfortunately I wasn't very good at the business end of that either. As far as the accounting etc. I do need to cut myself some slack though. I don't want to clean my own house anymore. My husband has retired and calls himself a house husband. I informed him that a real house husband would clean the house too. Oh and cook but he does do some laundry and he cooks his own breakfast. I don't get up at 5:00 in the morning! He proudly says, I did the dishes! I say, Oh you mean the dishes that you got dirty? Ha. I even tried bribery. I mowed so maybe he would clean. Didn't work. He is a good guy though. I am just getting lazy. I am thinking a cleaning person would be a good idea. But it would be too much effort to tell them what I need done. Maybe I will get a burst of energy or desire to do it, then I think, I will just have to do it again. Enough of my whining for now. Have a good day! I did paint 8 graduation portraits, so that is quite the accomplishment.
